Patent Law Fundamentals Online Course & Certificate

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20 contact hours
Used For:
2 Continuing Education Units
Course and Certificate:

Patent Law Fundamentals for Scientists and Engineers is a course that provides a comprehensive overview of US patent law for scientists, engineers, and managers involved in business and technology. This course covers the fundamentals of how to identify and document an invention, search for patents related to the invention, apply for a patent application, and prosecute a patent application.

After completing Patent Law Fundamentals for Scientists and Engineers, students will be equipped with a basic understanding of the following:

  • What is a patent
  • What are the various patent types
  • How to read a patent
  • How to conduct a patent search
  • What and when is confidentiality
  • What is freedom to operate
  • What is the patentability criteria
  • How to file for a patent
  • What are the rules of patent ownership
  • What are the rules of filing internationally


This course is designed for scientists, engineers, and managers involved in business and technology needing an intensive introduction or review of intellectual property law with a particular emphasis on patent law.

 Students will be assigned 5 homework assignments, and 1 final exam. 

  1. Introduction
    -What is a patent?
    -How to read a patent?

  2. Confidentiality and non-disclosure

  3. Conducting a patent search

  4. Freedom to operate (FTO)

  5. Claims and interpretation

  6. Patent criteria

  7. Filing a patent application

  8. Patent type
    -Product patent
    -Process patent
    -Trade secret

  9. Patent ownership
    -Time of ownership
    -Filing and maintenance fees

  10. International filing

 This course is Instructor-led and delivered through our award-winning online Learning Management System. 

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