Smaller can mean better. Nanotechnology is science at the molecular level. Like biotechnology and information technology, it is a growth industry with the potential to greatly change the world in which we live. Biomedical Nanotechnology is a course that investigates key areas in which nanotechnology can benefit biomedical applications, understanding of nanomaterials for various biomedical applications, wet and dry nanotechnology, and basics of nanofabrication. This course also introduces applications such as drug delivery, imaging and diagnostics, and tissue regeneration and engineering. The following topics will also be introduced: After completing Biomedical Nanotechnology, students will be equipped with a basic understanding of the following: A general understanding of chemistry and/or biology is recommended Students will be assigned 5 homework assignments, and 1 final exam for each course. Lesson 1- What is Nanotechnology? Lesson 2- Biomedical Applications Lesson 3- Polymeric Materials Lesson 4- Nanoparticles Lesson 5- Nanofibers Lesson 6- Outlook for the Future This course is Instructor-led and delivered through our award-winning online Learning Management System.